Kathy Heaven in "I'll Suck You Dry"
Your Cock Gave You Away! Savannah Fox Vs. Jason
Mouth-Fucked to Defeat! Lucy Vs. Erik
The Groin-Damagers! Nikki and Milana Vs. Kali
Austin Lynn Vs. Jasov in "Give me Your Cum!"
Melanie Memphis in "Your Cock Is Nothing"
Cristal Vs. Kali in Losers EAT PUSSY!
You're a LOSER and I'LL FUCK YOU! Milana Vs. Viktor
Jolene Hexx Vs. Danfe in The Nude Dominatrix
Nude Battle of The SEXES - WOMAN IN PERIL! Milans Vs. Erik
Abbin Cat in "Pretty Boy Broken Toy!"
A man at Her Mercy! Radka Vs. Jan
Barbie White in "I own you pretty boy!"